What’s In A Cover?

Photo by Odette Ku00e1rmu00e1n on Pexels.com

I woke up this morning to concept sketches from my artist friend who is helping make the cover for my book. My first thought was “OMG! this is real.”

Then, over the next few hours, I have been going back and looking at the sketches, looking up book covers and generally spending time thinking about what do I want this cover to say. Do I want it to be mysterious? Do I want it to spell everything out? Do I want it to be eye catching? Do I want it in monochrome? Do I want colors? What do I want?

Trusted friends have shared their opinions. I tell myself art is subjective and every opinion is just that, it is one person’s view of what things should be like. Over the next few days, I know my friend and I will go through multiple iterations in search of that image or set of images that will speak to us, speak to me in particular.

Each step I take in this process reminds me of how much privilege there is in choosing to take certain paths, in trusting the Universe and letting go.

So, what do you look for in book covers? I would love to know.

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