Tag: Menopause

Second Bloom

The water dribbles down her chin, past the valley in between her breasts, over the unsightly bulge that is her abdomen, down her legs before it pools, swirls and disappears into the drain. The sight of dark, coiled, black hair disturbs her even as she twirls the chunk of loose hair that seems to fall…

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Woman-ing In Menopause

I stand at the bottom of the flight of stairs, the task seeming unsurmountable. My heel screams in pain when I put my weight on it. I trudge upstairs, stopping in the middle to take stock of this life, this moment. I stare into the mirror moments later looking at myself critically. My face is…

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Things We Don’t Talk About

Warning: Not my usual kind of writing. Read at your own risk. I woke this afternoon from my nap feeling gross. My body is going through a period of change. In the erratic swinging of hormones, I find myself raging relentlessly. Sometimes I rage physically, my voice reaching octaves higher than normal. Some days, I…

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